Everything you need for your search campaign
When it comes to selling a search campaign, you need a team of people who can help you run the project. SEO requires a lot of legwork – not only is there keyword and competitor research involved, but you also need to take a dynamic approach to add value to your client’s business. Some of the services that Unibit Solutions offers include:
Search Engine Optimization
As a business owner, you need to be able to sell SEO – not understand every algorithm that Google changes. That’s where we come in. Unibit Solutions can help you with everything from SEO strategies to managing your SEO copywriting, link building, article submission or any other aspect of the project for you. Whether you need to outsource a small part of the project or need someone to take a proposal and run with it – we can do that for you. Find out more about our SEO services
Pay Per Click Solutions
Few Internet Marketing Consultants have trouble selling Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising to their clients. The trouble comes in when it comes to administrating, maintaining, continually optimising and reporting on each PPC campaign that you’ve sold.
We use specific tools to make sure your PPC ads are converting search engine users and we’ve got the right analytics and reports so that you can show your clients exactly how much their campaign is contributing to their bottom line. Find out more about our PPC services
Copywriting services
Any search strategy requires a lot of high quality content. Forget about article spinning and outsourcing to people whose first language isn’t the same as your clients – get high quality blog posts, articles, press releases and more. Find out more about our copywriting services